About Us
Hello!! I'm Renier
My mission is to empower you to overcome self-limiting patterns, behaviours, and BELIEFS that block your self-awareness and connection to self-love.
My purpose is to help you develop a greater awareness for self-acceptance, self-confidence and inner resilience to achieve your personal and professional goals with greater clarity and purpose.
I'll help you experience Unconditional Love by unlocking the patterns of limitation —the emotional block of 'not enough'—so you can connect more deeply with yourself and the world around you.
I use a range of techniques in the OAM Method, including breathing, parts integration, intention setting, and Timeline Therapy to unblock self-awareness and self-love from within, and to help you develop greater self-confidence, resilience, self-acceptance.
This is not just coaching. My process is designed to be experiential, supportive, and transformative, and I work closely with you to develop a personalised action plan with practices that address your specific needs and goals.
Hello, I'm Kathryn
My mission is to be meself. I guide women in their 40s and 50s to conquer their inner barriers. I do this by helping them to implement open acceptance practices that remove blocks to peace, happiness and joy.
My clients tend to be women who are high achievers seeking something MORE, wanting to figure out “another way” and dreaming of being bold enough to act.
As a result of our sessions and courses, they frequently say that, with me as their coach, they become capable of overcoming internal resistance and achieving real change in their lives.
I use a range of techniques including the Sedona Method, and the OAM Method to help you to apply the practice of open acceptance and be in control of your inside world.
This is not just coaching. My process is designed to be experiential, supportive, and transformative, and I work closely with you to develop a personalised action plan with practices that address your specific needs and goals.
Our Vision & Mission
From a space of humility, our clients learn to see themselves and develop an authentic, loving relationship with themselves, to experience freedom, love and joy through their relationship with everything outside of them, empowering them to make a purposeful impact.
"As far back as I can remember I’ve had the ability to see patterns and read people’s faces. What I saw in the grownups around me was hurt, anger, sadness and suffering.
My struggle was growing up in a time and place with a lot of hurt, angry people around me. As a child, I looked at this and decided I wanted to change people’s faces for a living.
But as I grew up, my heart closed to the world around me and my own face became more hardened.
Ever since I can remember I’ve had a super-sensitivity to the energies around me, but back then I had no idea how to deal with it.
I quickly learned that if I was going to change people’s faces I’d have to become a plastic surgeon—impossible given that I didn’t even finish school.
In an attempt to relieve my suffering, I started studying personal development in my early 20s and first discovered the world of energy through Reiki and Kinesiology.
Eventually, I reached breaking point and my ex-wife told me she wanted a divorce because my kids would turn out exactly like me.
She was right.
I had become the very person I was afraid of as a child. Now it was my face that needed changing.
I decided to turn my life around; to stop judging the angry people around me and start serving them instead.
Today, I have done exactly this and 15 years later I am free. I live my life each moment with a choice to be happy now.
My heart is open and my mind is quiet.
I studied many different modalities—really applied them. Each one gave me a piece of the puzzle that resulted in the Open Acceptance Method.
You have a choice to be love now, which is the only thing that will ever make you happy.
In a world that is dark and closed it is not always easy to walk the path that stands for Unconditional Love.
At times, it will feel almost impossible. I feel like that sometimes too. That’s life, honestly.
In your acceptance of this lies your power.
I will show you that not only is it possible to choose Unconditional Love as a way of life, but also that, with a little courage and awareness, you will awaken your heart from the chains that have kept it bound.
This is how to awaken your awareness to your natural, abundant, joyful, happy state of being and it is already within you at this very instant.
This is how to awaken your awareness to your natural, abundant, joyful, happy state of being and it is already within you this very instant.
Clear the unconscious blockages in the mind: beliefs & thoughts
Together with the unconscious blockages in the gut: trauma & emotions
For the heart to feel safe enough to open.
Our Therapy Toolbox
We use Neuro Linguistic Programming to align the conscious and subconscious mind for best health, energy and vitality. This is a practice of taking control of our thoughts, habits, behaviours, beliefs and patterns so we can experience internal freedom, joy & happiness
We use hypnotherapy on a subconscious level throughout our work as a tool to greater enhance the cognitive linguistic process, bypassing old patterns, habits and blockages to install new powerful, positive commands into your subconscious mind.
This is a fundamental practice we bring into everything we do.
We use intention with deep diaphragmatic breathing to help you connect the energy from the gut to the head and clear the blockages for the herat to open.
Strategic Intervention & Mediation
For any parts to function optimally as ONE, they must be in agreement so as to work together rather than against each other.
We bring mental parts into alignment through a process of strategic intervention (in your subconscious mind), it’s quick and easy to remove the blocks and EXPERIENCE yourself as whole and one with all.
Reiki & Kinesiology (Energy)
Everything is energy, and energy is connected and always moving. Energy work is really at the heart of our practice. We show you what your energy is and how to cultivate it and use it for the true purpose of LOVE not fear.
Great for team building and staff motivation, this is an experience in personal and mental power, motivation, energy, breathwork, responsibility and mental focus.
This is applied in life.
Body Language & Microexpressions
Communication is only 7% verbal. The other 93% is made up of (mostly) subconscious cues such as involuntary microexpressions, tone of voice, speed of voice, body language, eye accessing cues, gestures, touch and use of space.
The body cannot lie, and 93% is a lot of unconscious ways for the truth to be shown to someone paying attention.
Sometimes (actually always) it's tough to see and admit to (ourselves), our patterns, habits, behaviours, emotional triggers, grievances, insecurities etc.
Human Behaviour
This is the way we respond or show up towards ourselves and each other, which always correlates back to a pattern in your life.
It helps to become conscious of the behaviour we were unconsciously programmed with so we can have a choice to keep it or not rather than it being a default reaction.
Human behaviour is helpful in understanding what patterns, beliefs and filters are motivating the reaction.
Human Needs
The fulfilment of these needs is the foundation of a fulfilled and happy life and fundamental to what DRIVES or motivates our behaviour.
Our core human needs are not nice to have desires, but fundamental to our survival as humans. These needs will be met, guaranteed. If it not met constructively, it will be met destructively.
We can only give what we’ve got so only when we’re able to show up with love for ourselves, will we have it to give to anyone else.
Sedona Method
One of the quickest forms of releasing, the Sedona Method is a super tool that's easy to learn and effective at releasing quickly on a subconscious level.
Plant Medicine
Various forms of plant medicines are used to integrate or enhance the work we do without medicine. For more information on this work, please contact us directly.